Board of Trustees

  • Image of Mrs. Sam Morris

    Mrs. Sam Morris

    Secretary and CEO

    Start Date: 22/11/04

    I started my career working with children and young people, I moved into the Third Sector to set up a new project working with young carers. I set up and grew the Carers Service and became CEO taking the service into Independency.

    I have Post Graduate – Diploma in Management Studies

    I lead by taking people with me and tapping into the skills and knowledge of the team around me.

    I have secured over 2 million pounds in funding including two Big Lottery grants. I helped set up a Counselling Project at the Carers Service, providing counselling sessions for carers through student Counsellors from the surrounding Universities. I Co-ordinate this project.

    I am a trained Mediator volunteering with Smile Mediation working with conflict and uncertainty.

    I have a BA Hons in Counselling and Brief Therapies and I started my own business – SJM Counselling providing private counselling sessions for children, adults and couples. I joined forces with Triad Therapy in Nov 2020 providing counselling and therapy sessions.

  • Image of Mr. Graham Brindley

    Mr. Graham Brindley


    Start date: 14/7/14

    I worked for over 25 years in medical healthcare, specifically the medical device sector. During that time I held a variety of senior management roles having responsibility at various stages for finance, manufacturing and supply chains. After leaving the corporate world I then had experience of the social healthcare sector when I ran a time limited national project for the Department of Health which was aimed at establishing a framework to support unpaid carers in their caring roles. This brought me into contact for the first time with carers themselves and the third sector organisations that offer support to them. It opened a new world to me not only in terms of the amazing work that unpaid carers undertake for people they care for but also the lack of awareness and appreciation that society at large has for the contribution that they make to the world we live in. I hope to bring my finance, organisational and strategic skills to help develop and grow the support that the Service can provide to the carers within the community that we serve.

  • Image of Mrs. Nan Goodall

    Mrs. Nan Goodall

    Trustee (Former Chair till 2016)

    Start date: 2004 Trustee: 19/7/06

    I am a retired administrator I have been a trustee from the beginning of the service I was at the first consultation meeting on the original steering group and was then appointed chair until 2016. As a long term carer for many years for my mum, then husband and now my son I feel it is vitally important that carers can access help with the many problems that beset them, be it financial, social or health wise during their caring roles

    I set up the Ewoods 1st Community Organisation around 1992/1993. At the same time Ewood Park Football Stadium was being developed

    I was also Ewood church facilities group founder and caretaker

    I helped set up Blackburn with Darwen Photography Group, I am currently treasurer

  • Image of Mr. James Hadleigh

    Mr. James Hadleigh


    Start Date: 10/7/12

    I have worked in the sector now for 15 years, working predominantly at a regional level for various organisations and as a result I have a good knowledge of a wide range of charities and their operations across the North West.  Prior to my appointment as manager at Care Network, my background was in funding support for Third Sector organisations – my role as Director of Development at North West Network saw us support Third Sector organisations in the North West region to access over £80 million  in ESF and ERDF grants over the 2000 – 2006 programme to deliver projects.  In this role I also represented the regional Third Sector at European governance level, advocating on behalf of the sector with Government Office North West, the Skills Funding Agency (latterly LSC) and the North West Development Agency.

    I have previously been a trustee for a number of charities, including Jigsaw Partnerships (based in the Ribble Valley) and Coldwell Activity Centre in Nelson.  I also am actively involved (although not a trustee) in securing funding for Stable Trading Ltd, a Social Enterprise again based in the Ribble Valley.  As a result I have a thorough understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship.

    The above underlines, I believe, my commitment to the role of the Third Sector in providing a range of services for the public benefit.  Without the sector, and our collective ability to “fill the gaps” in provision, society would be in a much poorer state.

  • Image of Mr. Charlie Higham

    Mr. Charlie Higham


    Start date: 16/11/21

    Having graduated with a degree in Business Management from the University of Liverpool I feel that has given me a good understanding and overview of how corporate firms operate. A charity shouldn’t operate any differently to a business and as such I provide financial oversight for the charity as well as good business connections in the local area.

    I’ve worked in the Stockbroking and Investment Management industry for four years and in a short space of time have accumulated a wide range of experience as well as contacts and business partners. I hold an Investment Advice Diploma as well as the level 7 Chartered Wealth Manager qualification which gives me an in depth understanding of how to efficiently deploy Trust reserves.

    Operating predominantly as part of the financial committee we aim to ensure the longevity of the charity by making sound business decisions whilst ultimately still ensuring the charity continues to meet the needs of the carers as well as it already does.

Registered Charity No. 1120110 | Company No. 05881757

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Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service