Drugs & Alcohol Support

We offer confidential support and guidance to reduce the impact of addiction on family members and friends.  We know that drink and drug use affect the whole family, not just the user, and it can be hard to know what to do for the best.

Our service is for anyone over the age of 18 who is affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use.  It is free, confidential and non-judgemental.

Whether you think someone is drinking problematically or using drugs and you want to discuss this with someone


Whether you know someone is drinking or using drugs and want to find out how to support them without enabling them

We can help!

We offer:

  • 1-1 support with our specialist Drug and Alcohol Carers Advisor
  • Information about drugs and their effects
  • Info about treatment and rehab options
  • Practical advice
  • Group support
  • Counselling

Who can you help?

We help anyone who is concerned about someone else’s drug or alcohol use.  You could be a partner, parent, friend, neighbour… whoever you are, this part of the service is for you.

Even if you rarely see the person who is drinking or using drugs (eg. if they live in another town, or are homeless or in prison) then we still welcome you. You don’t have to be actively ‘caring’ for that person to use this part of the service.

How do I know if my family member is using drugs?

If you have noticed something about a family member and want to discuss the things that you find suspicious, get in touch. We can discuss signs and symptoms and help you to work out what to do next.

I’m not the one who needs the help, so why do I need your service?

Although you are not the one who is drinking or using drugs, there a still a number of ways we can help you.

We can give harm reduction information so that you know what to do to help your loved one if their behaviour is risky.
If your loved one is in treatment, we often hear stories where families unwittingly ‘undo’ the work that drug and alcohol services are trying to achieve. They do not do this intentionally, but it can be helpful for families to learn how to support someone through treatment and recovery.
Sometimes it just helps to be able to talk to someone who is impartial and can offer the chance for you to get your feelings off your chest. We know that family members take different stances on how to respond to the user and this can be really difficult for everyone. We can help you negotiate your way through this.

Is everything I say confidential?

We are non-judgmental and we hear lots of things that family members are worried about sharing. We will keep your information confidential, unless you tell us that there is harm or a risk of harm to you or someone else.
We provide a safe space to talk and can make a referral to our in-house counselling service if this is what you would like.

How do I know if my loved one is addicted? They say they can control their use or stop.

There are different stages of drug and alcohol use. Whether it’s a person experimenting, someone using recreationally or someone using daily, families still worry about their loved one. This service can help you no matter what stage your loved one is at and help you work out strategies that can help you and the person who is drinking or using drugs.

Find the Best Drug & Alcohol Addiction Rehab for Your Needs – Detox and Rehabilitate Safely

We believe everyone has the chance to turn their situation around with substance misuse, no matter how complicated their current situation may be. Since 2000, we’ve promoted inclusive addiction treatment. – OK Rehab – Drug & Alcohol Rehab | UK Addiction Treatment

If you would like to be contacted for help with your situation, you can email us here:

Registered Charity No. 1120110 | Company No. 05881757

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Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service