Preventing Falls in BwD – Survey
9th August 2024
The BwD Age Well Partnership are putting together a local Falls Prevention action plan for delivery in BwD – based on the action plan in the ICB Falls Prevention Strategy (which is currently awaiting sign off.)
The first step in doing this, is to ask people who live and work in BwD which of the priorities in the ICB Strategy are the most important to them and which do they think will make the biggest difference. The plan is to ask:
- Older People
- Older People who have fallen
- Carers of people who have fallen or are at risk of falling
- Staff who work with people who have fallen or are at risk of falling
We also want to use this opportunity to ask about the best language to use when talking with Older People about falls and falls prevention, that is engaging and not seen as negative.
Attached you will find links and QR codes for the different online surveys, as well as PDF documents you can print and get filled in.
The closing date for this consultation is the 13th September.